Golf Research Consultancy
Science Caddie can help your business with its research needs, be that in the form of consultancy or conducting the research project for you. Science Caddie can support you in the design of the project, in the collection and analysis of your data, as well as overseeing the publication in a scientific journal.

MSc in Sports and Exercise Science
Associate Lecturer in Sports and Exercise Science
Educator to PGA Professionals
Experienced Lecturer in Sports Biomechanics
Owner of Science Caddie
Daniel Thompson
Golf Research Consultant
How can Science Caddie help?
Research Design
Clients and competitors understand when poor research has been conducted and know when research has been manipulated to find a desired outcome. Therefore designing a valid and reliable methodolology is of paramount importance! Without this, your findings are meaningless and it can impact your credibility.
Science Caddie can help you design your methodology to ensure validity and reliability; considering the demographics of your participants, the variables you need to measure, the equipment and questionnaires required, the procedures that need to be followed, as well as the statistical analysis that need to be performed.

Data Collection

Consistency and accuracy are two of the most important aspects of data collection. If you sacrifice either of these your research findings serve no purpose and you may have missed important and useful outcomes.
Science Caddie can provide you with guidance as to how you can collect your data consistently and accurately. Tailoring guidance to your specific project and measurements. Alternatively, Science Caddie can conduct the data collection for you, utilising appropriate facilities, equipment and participants.
Statistical Analysis
Creating averages and presenting graphs is not enough when performing research. Detailed statistical analysis is required; but it is complicated to conduct. You need to understand the correct test to use, have the software to analyse the data and understand the meaning of the outputs. Most companies do not have this expertise...
Science Caddie can perform this analysis for you and report back on the findings of the research. Tests to determine statistical differences, effect sizes, relationships and predictions can be performed to answer your research question. Science Caddie will then communicate these findings in a language that makes sense to you and your clients.

Research Publication

If all of the aspects above have been 'taken care of', it may be possible to publish your research in an academic journal. Publishing shows the quality of your research as several researchers have reviewed and validated your project and its findings. Such a publication may allow you to state that your product/service is 'Scientifically Proven' to enhance performance.
To publish your research Science Caddie has links with a university who will be involved in the write up and publication of your research.
To discuss your businesses research needs, get in contact via email: