Golf Science Speaker
Are you looking to organise:
- A social event at your golf club
- A speaker for your county, college or university golf team
- An after-dinner speaker for a corporate golf day
Then why not consider having a talk about the Science of Golf?

Science Caddie currently offers two talks:
1) The Biomechanics of the Big Hitters
This talk is focused on the Biomechanics of the Big Hitters, discussing the key Biomechanics that are linked to the generation of clubhead speed. As part of this discussion, we will also highlight the differences that exist between higher skilled and less skilled golfers, as well as showing how such variables can be analysed using 3D motion capture and force plates.
We start off the talk by dicussing the importance of distance, exploring PGA tour data and research, as well as, discussing the key determinants of driving distance.
We then shift the focus onto the biomechanics that are linked to the generation of clubhead speed. Discussing X-Factor, X-Factor Stretch, Timing of Wrist Break, Timing of Max Clubhead Speed, Ground Reaction Forces and Kinematic Sequencing.

Ian Gould- Director of Sport at the Royal Latin School
"Daniel’s talk on the concepts of biomechanics in the golf swing was extremely informative and interesting. The detail that Daniel went into, was a real eye-opener for us amateur golfers and excellently presented in a way we could all understand. It left us with a desire to hit the driving range instantly, to try and incorporate the biomechanics of movement that he had so expertly explained."
2) The Biomechanics of Golfing Injuries I
This talk is focused on the biomechanics of the most prevalent golfing injury; this being Lower Back Pain. We will highlight the key movements in the golf swing that can increase injury risk and identify posture/swing changes that could potentially mitigate this risk. Furthermore, we will also explain why certain movements can cause damage to the lower back, looking at the anatomy of the spine to help with this explanation.
We start the talk by discussing the statistics of golfing injuries, identifying the areas of the body that experience the most injuries, as well as highlighting how the injury occurrence differs depending on the skill level and gender of the golfer.
We then shift the focus onto lower back pain, looking at the anatomy of the injured site, explaining what movements can cause damage, as well as discussing the key movements in the golf swing that can increase the risk of injury.

Both of these talks can be delivered at your golf club, college or university. The duration of the talk is dependent upon what you would like to be delivered. Please discuss this with the owner of Science Caddie.
Possible talk durations:
The Biomechanics of the Big Hitters- 1hr, 1.75hrs & 2.75hrs
Biomechanics of Golfing Injuries I - 1hr & 1.75hrs
Cost: £10-30 per person*
*Cost is dependent on the duration of the talk
If you are interested in having either of these talks, please get in contact via email.
Guest Speaker
Daniel Thompson
Owner of Science Caddie
Associate Lecturer in Sports and Exercise Science at the University of Derby
Experienced Lecturer in Sports Biomechanics
Single Figure Handicapper
MSc in Sports and Exercise Science from Loughborough University

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