Course 2:
The Biomechanics of Golfing Injuries I
This course is focused on the biomechanics of the most prevalent golfing injury; this being Lower Back Pain. We will highlight the key movements in the golf swing that can increase injury risk and identify posture/swing changes that could potentially mitigate this risk. Furthermore, we will also explain why certain movements can cause damage to the lower back, looking at the anatomy of the spine to help with this explanation.​
This course is focused on the biomechanics of the most prevalent golfing injury; this being Lower Back Pain. We will highlight the key movements in the golf swing that can increase injury risk and identify posture/swing changes that could potentially mitigate this risk. Furthermore, we will also explain why certain movements can cause damage to the lower back, looking at the anatomy of the spine to help with this explanation.
This course is made up of 2 parts:
Part 1: Focuses on the statistics of golfing injuries, identifying the areas of the body that experience the most injuries, as well as highlighting how the injury occurrence differs depending on the skill level and gender of the golfer.
Part 2: Focuses on lower back pain, looking at the anatomy of the injured site, explaining what movements can cause damage, as well as discussing the key movements in the golf swing that can increase the risk of injury.
This course can currently be delivered Live (In-Person or Online). If you are a PGA section/PGA organisation, this series can be organised exclusively for your members.
The Recorded version of this course will be available in September 2024

For American PGA Professionals- this webinar series is worth 2 PGA credits*​

For Australian PGA Professionals- this webinar series is worth 0.4 ACE credits*

* If completing the recorded version of the course, you must also pass the associated online assessment
Course Options

Injuries Course- Online
Option 1: Provides access to online content
Videos and Discussion Boards
£40 / $53*
Recorded Version- Releasing Sep 24
Injuries Course + Certification
Option 2: Provides access to
The online course content
Videos and Discussion Boards​
An online assessment- Injury I
Opportunity to gain a Science Caddie Certification
£50 / $73*
Recorded Version- Releasing Sep 24


* The price shown is in US Dollars. Science Caddie accepts payments in USD, AUD, CAD and GBP
Previous Deliveries
Central New
York Section
For PGA Sections/PGA Organisations
If you would like to organise a webinar series to be delivered exclusively to your members, please get in contact via email. We can run the series at 9am (your time) over the course of 2 days. Part 1 will take 0.5-0.75 hours and Part 2 will take 0.75-1.5 hours. Science Caddie will send you through the information required for advertisement and will organise the webinars, via Microsoft Teams.
If you would like to learn more about these webinar series, I am happy to meet you online.
If you would like to see some reviews from other PGA Sections, please see the 'Reviews' page.