PGA Section Reviews
Delivered: October 2023
Topics: The Biomechanics of the Big Hitters & The Biomechanics of Golfing Injuries I
1) The tutors in depth knowledge and passion was really evident every element of the day wasfully explained, the links to the next element were logical and cohesive. One of the best most informative days I’ve attended
2) Dan did a great job, he kept the group encouraged and involved whilst making the subject areaeasy to understand.
3) Fantastic CPD course and I’ll most likely go to the second part.
Delivered: April 2023
Comments by Education Coordinator: Joshua Busch
Daniel’s webinar on the biomechanics of golfing injuries was very well structured and provided our members with a fantastic insight into golfing injuries, in particular the causes of backpain. Daniel’s presentaion details the statistics surrounding golf related injuries through thorough explanation of exisiting research and then does a deep dive into the common causes of back pain using his knowledge in sport and exercise science. Particpants walk away from the sessions with a better understanding of golfing related injuries and are better positioned to implement injury prevention within their coaching programs.
Central New
York Section
Delivered: January 2023
Comments by Chairman of the Education Committee: Mike Discenza
Daniel’s webinar on the biomechanics of golfing injuries was very informative, our members found great value in the program. Daniel does an exceptional job of setting the stage for the program by providing necessary context through thorough research. Attendees are prepared to set off into the latter portion of the presentation which delves into the intricacies behind golfing related injuries and leave not only informed, but empowered to better assist their clients and athletes.
Central New
York Section
Delivered: January 2023
Comments by Chairman of the Education Committee: Mike Discenza
Daniel's "Biomechanics of the Big Hitters" seminar was very thorough, filled with detailed research, and delivered in a clear and concise manner. The presentation offered the opportunity for valuable dialogue among attendees in which the practical application of the research was discussed amongst experts. Attendees left the program being challenged to think and follow up on points covered, in addition to being armed with a better understanding of the factors that create speed in the golf swing while also having useful means of delivering the information to their students. Well done Daniel!
Comments by Executive Director: Alan Seamans
Daniel delivered, "The Biomechanics of the Big Hitters" to the members of the Central New York PGA. Our PGA professionals remained engaged throughout and will certainly benefit from a better understanding of biomechanics within the golf swing. Thank you Daniel!
Delivered: December 2022
Comments by Education Director: Holly Champion PGA
This is our second time hosting a webinar with Daniel and Science Caddie. The Biomechanics of Golfing Injuries content is very relevant and his research is thoroughly presented. This webinar was very well received by our Colorado PGA Professionals and it has been a privilege working with Science Caddie.
Delivered: November 2022
Comments by Continuing Education Coordinator:
Joshua Busch
The Biomechanics of the Big Hitters seminar was a well-researched and detailed presentation. From understanding why power is important in the modern game, Dan provided research into how the biomechanics of the golf swing can be manipulated to increase power. The presentation challenged the attendees to reflect on their own coaching practices and generated healthy discussion on the golf swing. Thank you Daniel.
Delivered: June 2022
Comments by Director of Operations: Ben Weeks
Daniel's "Biomechanics of the Big Hitters" presentation provides thorough scientific data validating the importance of correct sequencing during the golf swing. He dives into the impact that club head speed can have on strokes gained off the tee and approach. This seminar is a no-brainer if you want a better understanding of the golf swing, how to get the most out of it and shoot lower scores.
Delivered: May 2022
Comments by Education Director: Holly Champion PGA
The Biomechanics of the Big Hitters Webinar series by Daniel Thompson with Science Caddie was a great addition to our Colorado PGA Education schedule. Biomechanical training is not something we had focused on in the past which made it stand out even more. Multiple PGA Professionals who tuned in provided positive comments and found the training very valuable.
Notable Reviews
Terry Hashimoto
Cofounder of Boditrak and Shaft Fitting AI
Recently I had the opportunity to sit in on several of Daniel Thompsons Biomechanics sessions and was thoroughly impressed with his depth of knowledge, comprehensive explanation of detail and yet simplicity in understanding once he shared...But I think what impressed me the most was his patience to respond to every question I had even though they may have been very lame.
I learned a lot of Daniel and highly recommend his sessions they are at levels of experience yet as I mentioned explained intelligently and in such a manner that even I and I believe everyone will enhance their game or instruction with.

Reviews by PGA Pros
The reviews below were completed by PGA Professionals who attended a Science Caddie webinar series.

Review by Glen- PGA Pro
"Great presentation Daniel, I found the biomechanics of side bend and flexion particularly interesting and what effect that might have in the back. Well done, I know this will help with my coaching of younger players in particular.."

Review by Stuart- PGA Pro
"Good presentation and informative. Gave good account of anatomy and biomechanics backed with stats that relate to the golf swing."

Review by Martin- PGA Pro
"Very good and engaging. Found the material well informed and well presented. Very impressed."

Review by James- PGA Pro
"Top notch lecture. Made me rethink how we teach older amateur golfers."
Review by Kyle- PGA Pro

"Understanding the science and statistics related to injuries in golfers should be a focus of all PGA professionals. The best way to allow others to enjoy the game of golf is to prolong their playing career which means less pain and less time off due to injury."
Review by Kyle- PGA Pro

"Understanding the science of golf requires digging into topics that can be very difficult to comprehend while simply reading about it. The ability to have a discussion with visuals was important for me to fully understand these topics enough to relay that information to others."

Review by James- PGA Pro
"great course helped alot. Presentation was outstanding"

Review by Chris- PGA Pro
"Very interesting. The science backs up what direction I am taking with my coaching. We live in a great era where our methods are based on facts not someone's idea"

Review by Aaron- Aspiring to be a PGA Pro
"Was an engaging series to be part of and listen to other coach's along side Dan ."

Review by James- PGA Pro
"Good job throughout and looking forward to learning more."

Review by Matt- PGA Pro
Review by Glenn- PGA Pro
"Great presentation and very interesting!"
"Just as we have learned increasingly more about the fundamentals of the golf swing and have players working on those fundamentals from an increasingly earlier age, so too will we seek knowledge of the swing's biomechanics. I can only hope that the funding that has fueled our increased knowledge of the swing's fundamentals over the past 20yrs will also come to this segment of study. Science Caddie seems to be at the forefront of the knoweldge, presentation and delivery of information related to the biomechanics of the golf swing."
"Excellent information and the presentation was very organized and easy to follow."
"I really enjoyed the 'Generating Power in the Golf Swing Series'. It would be great if these were also done through the daytime. Can't wait to start on the next topic."
Review by Todd- PGA Pro
Review by Graeme- PGA Pro
Collective reviews by attendees
How strongly do you agree with this statement?
100% Agree
68% Strongly Agree
I found this educational series interesting
The delivery was engaging
95% Agree
50% Strongly Agree
My understanding of golf biomechanics has improved
95% Agree
73% Strongly Agree
This series has taught me something that will help me in my coaching/golfing performance
100% Agree
86% Strongly Agree
I would recommend this series to a friend/colleague
100% Agree
64% Strongly Agree
I would like the PGA to offer more educational series like this
100% Agree
86% Strongly Agree
I would attend another Science Caddie series in the future
100% Agree
82% Strongly Agree
No of feedback forms completed: 22
Golf Club Reviews

Golf Club: Rushcliffe
Delivered: 7th February 2020
Golfers Feedback:
Did you find the workshop interesting? 100% of golfers agreed (75% strongly agreed)
Did you find the delivery engaging? 94% of golfers agreed (69% strongly agreed)
Was the workshop interactive/practical? 81% of golfers agreed (50% strongly agreed)
Was the content easy to understand? 94% of golfers agreed (50% strongly agreed)
Was it a unique social event? 88% of golfers agreed (69% strongly agreed)
Would you attend another workshop? 100% of golfers agreed (63% strongly agreed)

Golf Club: Burton on Trent
Delivered: 5th February 2020
Golfers Feedback:
Did you find the workshop interesting? 100% of golfers agreed (87% strongly agreed)
Did you find the delivery engaging? 100% of golfers agreed (62% strongly agreed)
Was the workshop interactive/practical? 88% of golfers agreed (50% strongly agreed)
Was the content easy to understand? 100% of golfers agreed (50% strongly agreed)
Was it a unique social event? 73% of golfers agreed (42% strongly agreed)
Would you attend another workshop? 88% of golfers agreed (50% strongly agreed)

Golf Club: Glossop and District
Delivered: 1st of February 2019
Review by PGA Professional: Mike Williams
"Dan came to Glossop Golf Club on a cold winters night in February to do the Science Caddie Workshop. We had sold all 30 places through my golf shop to our members and a few to their friends. As a professional with over 40 years of coaching experience it was fantastic to see a room full of golfers ranging in abilities totally absorbed in the subject. For me it was great to have the science behind the modern tour players golf swing explained in a understandable way and I found it fascinating. My members who attended thoroughly enjoyed it and there was a great atmosphere around the bar on what would have been a dead night at the golf club. Since then they are still talking about it and there is much more interest in golf coaching at the club. It is well worth holding a Science Caddie Workshop, if you can get 30 people to come out in February like we did and have such a great evening it can only be a good thing."
Golfers Feedback:
Did you find the workshop interesting? 100% of golfers agreed (79% strongly agreed)
Did you find the delivery engaging? 100% of golfers agreed (79% strongly agreed)
Was the workshop interactive/practical? 100% of golfers agreed (72% strongly agreed)
Was the content easy to understand? 100% of golfers agreed (72% strongly agreed)
Was it a unique social event? 84% of golfers agreed (42% strongly agreed)
Would you attend another workshop? 84% of golfers agreed (53% strongly agreed)
Reviews by Handicap
Collective reviews by those who attended an in-person delivery



Reviews by Gender
Collective reviews by those who attended an in-person delivery
